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The Zoom! In-office Whitening System uses proprietary technology to whiten your teeth an average of eight shades* in a little over an hour while you relax. Its ideal for anyone who wants immediate results. 


Strips or paint on gels will not produce the same results! Use our system to see results in a fraction of the time. 


What is Zoom! tooth whitening?

Zoom! is a bleaching process that lightens discoloration of enamel and dentin,


Who may benefit from tooth whitening?

Just about anyone can benefit from tooth whitening. However, treatment may not be as effective on some as it is for others. 


Is tooth whitening safe?

Yes, research and clinical studies indicate that whitening teeth under licensed supervision is safe. In fact, many dentists consider whitening the safest cosmetic dental procedure available. As with any tooth whitening product, it is not recommended for children under 13 years of age and pregnant or lactating women.


Do the results last a long time?

By following some simple post whitening care instructions, your teeth will always be lighter than they were before. We recommend flossing, brushing twice daily with a teeth whitening toothpaste.


Is the Zoom! In-clinic procedure painful?

No. During the procedure, patients can actually listen to music. Many fall asleep.


Are there any side effects?

Some people experience temporary increased tooth sensitivity to cold during treatment. These symptoms disappear within 1-3 days.  

Teeth Whitening

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